Pictet Asset Management
A new, radical online hub where big names fuel the megatrends debate.
Our world is complicated, and the future looks more complicated still. The way to understand it is through the study of megatrends – the powerful socio-economic, environmental and technological forces that shape our planet. We’ve been working with Pictet Asset Management to create an online magazine that seeks to energise and enrich the debate on how to create a better future. That means bringing together the (sometimes contradictory) views of academics, scientists and entrepreneurs, all in one place, edited and curated by an expert editorial team and supported by clear, engaging visuals. Interested audiences around the world are starting to find it and join in the discussion.
Mega is the result. It’s a content hub designed and built entirely in-house at AML; an open, clean reading environment for long-form articles by leading thinkers like Vaclav Smil (Bill Gates’ ‘must-read’ author) and Leo Johnson. A mobile-responsive and user-driven structure lies at the core of a global digital environment using social, video, graphics and soon live and virtual events. Even a soft launch led to wide support and thousands of reads for articles about everything from eating bugs and sails for cargo ships, to sustainable architecture and energy storage. With one tap, readers can move from Mega to finding out about Pictet Asset Management’s sustainable, thematic investment strategies based on Megatrends.