Spark: Igniting new ideas

Everyone’s got an idea sitting around.

You might not think you do. But you do. A business. A film. An app. An art piece. A challenge. A social cause. A t-shirt. And every big success started as a little idea. And these ideas are exactly the things we’ve decided to put agency money and time behind.

Enter Spark.

Spark’s an AML initiative to reward creative thinking everywhere in the business. Every three months, we gather around the campfire that is our lobby. And listen as we put forward our ideas competing for £500 and 6 days (working) holiday to bring the project to life. Not bad for an idea and a 5-minute pitch, that.

Times are tough for everyone at the moment. So, spending on trying to bring a fun t-shirt to life or trying to develop an app idea you’ve got in the back of your head tends not to be top priority. But these things are exactly the things we want people to be thinking about.

In its inaugural pitch session, we saw an artist’s ambition to capture the sea like it has never been captured before and a modelling agency looking to break the taboos of hands.

Dylan, our aquatic artist, won the pitch and was awarded with the £500 to bring his project to life. Which we will see the next time we all get together – December 12th.

Watch this space.


If you have an idea you’re excited about and you don’t bring it to life, it’s not uncommon for the idea to find its voice through another maker. This isn’t because the other artist stole your idea, but because the idea’s time has come.” -Rick Rubin