Staying active

Vanguard and AML team up for the second Tough Mudder Takeover

More than 1,000 brave participants came together from across the financial advice and financial services industry for the second annual Vanguard Tough Mudder Takeover event that included a 5k m run and 18 of Tough Mudder’s signature teamwork-inspired obstacles.

AML, who developed the digital ad campaign for the event designed to encourage sign up with the line ‘Are you as active as Vanguard?’ – also fielded a Tough Mudder team aptly named, Absolute Mud Lovers.

Vanguard has been a proponent of high-quality, low-cost active funds since its founding in 1975 and launched its Tough Mudder takeover in 2023 as a fun, healthy, and collaborative way of Vanguard highlighting its “active” history.

Doug Abbott, Head of UK Client Group, Vanguard: 

“We’d like to say a huge thank you to all of those who took part in the day – both returning Tough Mudders and first timers. It was great to see people from across generations and all corners of the industry challenging themselves on the course and helping each other to reach the finish line.”

“Friday was all about teamwork, camaraderie and the tenacity to complete a difficult task – stay the course! What could be more Vanguard than that.”