
Business doesn't wait, so why should you?


Following 2 challenging years weathering the pandemic, UK SMEs were continuing to suffer as interest rates skyrocketed. With bank lending drying up and businesses under pressure from higher costs and unpaid invoices, Bibby – SME champions – could help to unlock funding, and fast. To reflect these changing pressures, Bibby turned to AML for a refresh of our 2023 ‘Momentum’ campaign to help get their message to even more cash-strapped companies.


Our 2024 campaign spoke directly to frustrated business owners faced with unpaid invoices slowing down their business, with lines like “Unpaid invoices got you worked up?”. But when customers are slow, Bibby could provide funding quickly to get businesses moving faster. We played with pacing to highlight the time spent waiting for invoices to clear, while SMEs still have “staff to pay, stock to buy, tools to fix”. Our campaign went live on social, video and audio, asking SMEs: “Business doesn’t wait, so why should you?”.